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There are new requirements coming for non-European travelers visiting Europe. To learn more about the Electronic Travel Authorization (ETA) starting January 8, 2025, for visitors without a visa or other UK immigration status, click here. For more information on the Entry/Exit System (EES) or ETIAS, click here.

We recommend all travel advisors offer their customers travel protection when traveling internationally. From lost luggage to medical emergencies, unforeseen issues can happen when they are least expected and adding travel protection can help alleviate the worry and stress of a vacation for your clients.

Plan With Confidence

The Travel Protection Plan, offered by Europe Express and administered by Trip Mate, a Generali Global Assistance & Insurance Services brand, provides additional peace of mind by covering many unforeseen circumstances that may arise before or during a trip.

Schedule of Benefits

Insurance Benefits*Benefit Limit Per Person
Optional Trip Cancellation for Any Reason**75% of Trip Penalty Amount (Up to $7,500 Maximum)
Trip Cancellation100% of Trip Cost (Up to $10,000 Maximum)
Trip Interruption100% of Trip Cost (Up to $10,000 Maximum)
Travel DelayUp to $200 per day (Maximum of $1,000)
Medical & Dental
– Emergency Dental Expense Sublimit
Emergency Assistance & Transportation
– Emergency Companion Hospitality Expenses
Accidental Death & Dismemberment
– Travel Accident
– First Item Limit
– Aggregate on Certain Items Listed
Baggage Delay$500
*Underwritten by Generali U.S. Branch
**Only available for Europe Express FIT Travel with Product Code GR220. Not available to residents of New York.

Download the full plan documents for Europe Express FIT Travel here.

Trip Interruption or Cancellation

If a trip is interrupted or canceled due to a covered emergency, weather issue, or other unforeseeable event, your clients may be reimbursed.

Medical & Dental and Emergency Assistance & Transportation

Emergency medical or dental expenses during a trip may be covered, including costs of circumstances that may arise from any illness, including COVID- 19. Also, any medically related transportation expenses due to a life-threatening situation may be covered.

Baggage & Personal Items

Baggage or personal items (such as passports or visas) that are lost, damaged or stolen during a trip are covered up to the plan limits. Additionally, your clients may be reimbursed for certain incurred expenses should baggage be delayed for 24 hours or more during the trip.

Cancel For Any Reason**

If a trip is canceled for any reason, other than the covered reasons listed in the plan, your clients may be eligible to receive up to 75% of the non-refundable portion of the trip cost. Additional terms, conditions, and requirements apply.

If you have any specific questions about coverage, please contact Generali’s Customer Service at 800-554-9839.

**Only available for Europe Express FIT Travel with Product Code GR220. Not available to residents of New York.

Travel Protection

Help Protect Their Investment Now!

To purchase this Plan or obtain a quote, please call our Europe Specialists at 800-927-3876

Travel Protection Plans are administered by Trip Mate, a Generali Global Assistance & Insurance Services brand, located in San Diego, CA. Plans are available to residents of the U.S. but may not be available in all jurisdictions. Benefits and services are described on a general basis; certain conditions and exclusions apply. Travel Retailers may not be licensed to sell insurance, in all states, and are not authorized to answer technical questions about the benefits, exclusions, and conditions of this insurance and cannot evaluate the adequacy of your existing insurance. This plan provides insurance coverage and assistance services for your trip that applies only during the covered trip. You may have coverage from other sources that provides you with similar benefits but may be subject to different restrictions depending upon your other coverages. You may wish to compare the terms of this policy with your existing life, health, home and automobile policies. The purchase of this plan is not required in order to purchase any other travel product or service offered to you by your travel retailers. If you have any questions about your current coverage, call your insurer, insurance agent or broker. This notice provides general information on Generali’s products and services only. The information contained herein is not part of an insurance policy and may not be used to modify any insurance policy that might be issued. In the event the actual policy forms are inconsistent with any information provided herein, the language of the policy forms shall govern. Travel insurance plans are underwritten by: Generali U.S. Branch, New York, NY; NAIC # 11231. Generali US Branch is admitted or licensed to do business in all states and the District of Columbia. For the operating name used in certain states, and other important information about the Travel Protection & Assistance Services Plan, please see